T4G Gems: John MacArthur

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Theology of Sleep! (Mark 4)

"If I believed that the salvation of sinners was ultimately up to me, I wouldn't sleep well. I understand what's at stake. I understand the reality of the wrath of God and eternal judgment. However, I have confidence in God to do the work that I can't do."

"Sow the seed and then go to sleep, because you're not in charge of the results (v. 26-27). We may be the means, but we are not the power (v. 28). We can sow the seed, but we can't change the heart."

"There are no adjectives in these verses that describe the sower. It doesn't matter if you have a tattered burlap seed bag or a designer seed bag."

"The message is not healing. The message is not free food. The message is the cross & resurrection of Jesus" (Luke 9:21-22 / 24:47-48).

"The prosperity gospel is like a Ponzi scheme - the guys at the top get rich, and the guys at the bottom are left in rags."

"You don't want to sow a synthetic seed and get a mutation."

"Where there is a genuine working of the Spirit, you don't find smug satisfaction. You find humility and brokenness."

"We are humble because we know only God can change the heart. But we are obedient because we know we are the means by which people will see the light" (v. 21-22).

"Your usefulness is in proportion to your sowing, and that leads to divine blessing (v. 24-25). I sleep well, but I don't sleep a lot!"

Mark Dever - R. C. Sproul - Al Mohler - Thabiti Anyabwile - John MacArthur - David Platt - John Piper - Ligon Duncan - Matt Chandler - C.J Mahaney


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