The Convergence

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We are 3 guys who minister in Metro Detroit.

We strive to emulate the convergence of grace and truth that Jesus Christ displayed. We make it our goal both to preach the Word without apology and to love people unconditionally.

We believe in both the immanence and the transcendance of our God. He is very near to us, yet set apart from us as the awesome Creator.

We believe in the sovereignty of God, and we believe in the urgency of evangelism and the power of prayer.

We believe that churches should be focused on both evangelism and discipleship. We desire to minister to our church family in a personal way, but we also want to influence a greater number of people for Christ.

We desire to uphold the unadjusted gospel of Jesus, and at the same time to remove unneccesary obstacles to the gospel. We aim for relevance (nothing is more relevant than the gospel of Christ!) without compromise. We are passionate about reaching the lost, but we refuse to employ God-degrading gimmicks in order to do so. The glory of God is preeminent in our thinking as we seek to represent our Lord Jesus Christ.

Does this convergence of ideas resonate with you? Then we’re glad you’ve met us here at this intersection of thoughts about faith, life, and ministry. Soli Deo Gloria.

Dan McGhee, Senior Pastor, Harvest Bible Church in Westland

Mike Moses, Assistant Pastor, Harvest Bible Church in Westland

Joe Haverlock, Worship Director, Harvest Bible Church in Westland


Unknown March 11, 2010 at 5:24 PM  

Love the name.
Great idea, guys.
Love what you've posted above--true, concise, beautiful, and everything that I want to be striving after.
Praise God for His work in and through you guys and through our church.
Amen--Soli Deo Gloria.

wdc,  May 8, 2010 at 11:20 PM  

These ideas do resonate with both my wife and I and after attending Harvest Bible Chapel for several weeks now, already we are noticing that by God's grace, the ideas stated in this post are being preached and put into practice by leaders and members of this church. We pray with great hope about what the Lord will do for His glory with this church here in Canton.

Bob Gonzales December 6, 2010 at 8:34 AM  


Bob Gonzales here. Went to college same time as you. I'm currently the dean of Reformed Baptist Seminary and serving in Grace Baptist Church of Taylors, SC. Just wanted to send me greetings and express my joy to see a brother persevering in the work of ministry, preaching and teaching the word. May the Lord richly bless!

Your servant,
Bob Gonzales

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