Life is Long, Life is Short

Friday, June 1, 2012

So teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12)

Encouragement for disciplers in God's church:

Life is long - so be patient as you minister to people. Don't put yourself under pressure to teach everything there is to know in a single sermon, or fix all of someone's problems overnight. You are likely just one factor among many in an individual's spiritual life and growth. In most cases God began His work in someone before bringing them your way, and in most cases God will continue His work in someone after moving them on from your influence. One plants, another waters, but God causes the growth. 

At the same time...

Life is short - so maintain a sense of urgency as you prepare people for eternity. You never know how long someone will be in your life. God in His grace can use your momentary influence to change an individual for eternity! Life is a vapor. Your speaking God's truth to someone today may be vital.

May the Lord give us wisdom and grace as we minister in light of these two realities.


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