The Breath of Life
Friday, November 8, 2013
*Today's post is by guest writer Sandy Hall*
September 29, 2004, 7:02 p.m. - Sarah was born, much to the relief
of the dear mother, father, family, doctor/midwife, and friends. As Sarah
entered the world, we held our breath, waiting for her to breathe. Come on, little
one.......what seemed like a minute or two passed, but was only a few
seconds......there it is! A lusty wail was heard as her lungs filled with air,
a totally new experience for her. Her eyes opened and her parents looked into
them for the first time. Sarah was handed to me as I sat on the bed next to the
momma. Just minutes later, Sarah's sister came forth and the same
anticipation occurred. We waited.......come on, baby, breathe!.......Ah, yes,
then Mercy cried out. She was okay. We all exhaled. Mercy's eyes were open,
gazing about at all the new sights. What a special moment to see the faces of
these two new daughters for the first time. Mom and Dad and their five other
children welcomed with tears of joy and relief these two new little ones. What
a privilege to be there as these babies breathed their first breath of life.
October 21, 2004, 5:30 p.m. - Bill lay quietly on his bed at the nursing home in Riverview. His eyes were closed; there was no response from him. His wife and I talked quietly to him and to one another. Every once in a while we stopped to listen to his breathing.......shallow.......with between. Several times we leaned over waiting for him to breathe again.......15 seconds passed. Come on, Bill, breathe. There it was........another long, slow exhale. Minutes later, there was a 20 second interval between breaths. We talked quietly on about how wonderful of a man he was, how she loved to serve him and make his life happy.......a long pause again.......20 seconds passed.......then 30......I leaned over to listen for his next breath. I took his hand and tried to find a pulse. No more breaths came, no pulse. He was at rest. Bill entered heaven with joy and rejoicing. The pain and suffering of recent months was all gone; He was seeing his Savior face-to-face. For his wife, a time of sorrow and relief. Losing a husband two times in 5 short years was not easy. What a privilege to be there with her and with Bill as he took his last breath.
By Sandy Hall
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